Girl Turned Cooking Into a Mini-Musical and Became TikTok Star

 Girl Turned Cooking Into a Mini-Musical and Became TikTok Star

Some people think that cooking is a boring and everyday activity that you don’t want to spend a lot of time on. But a girl named Gabrielle Reyes, known on social media as One Great Vegan, proved that cooking can be a very fun activity if you add some music and dance to it.
Gabrielle has turned cooking into culinary mini-musicals that children and adults like to enjoy. At first, the girl sang while cooking just for fun, but her social media followers liked it so much that she decided to make singing and dancing in the kitchen her thing.

Gabrielle learned to cook at an early age when she lived with her family in California and Texas. Her family often experienced financial difficulties and very rarely bought meat, so little Gabrielle came up with vegetarian recipes, which she is now happy to share in her TikTok channel, subscribed to by more than 200 thousand people.

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One of the most popular video recipes of the singing cook is grilled vegan meat with spices and jackfruit (the fruit of the Indian breadfruit tree). The video gathered several million views, and many subscribers, even big meat lovers, thanked the girl for the recipe and said that the dish turned out delicious.

Even though Gabriel doesn’t eat animal products, he doesn’t think everyone should become vegan or vegetarian.

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“Although many people lack vegetables in their diet, I am convinced that not all people need to become vegetarian. I just like eating this way and I’m glad that someone shares my point of view and my approach to healthy eating,” Gabrielle said.

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