Dog Will Try Anything To Get His Brother To Stop Doing Zoom School

A dog named Jake lived for years near a factory in Puerto Rico. He didn’t know human love and didn’t even dream of having a family and a warm home someday. That all changed when he was rescued by the staff at The Sato Project shelter.
After Jake was taken into the shelter, a family quickly took an interest in him. They fell in love with this adorable boy at first sight. Even though he had lived on the streets most of his life, Jake was full of love and affection.
Now Jake has a large, friendly family that loves him dearly. Most of all he is attached to his two brothers, older Weston, and younger Owen. But most of the time they spend time together with Owen-these two are like best friends.
Because of quarantine, the boy was studying remotely – and while that was wonderful news for Jake, he doesn’t like it much when the little boss paid a lot of attention to his laptop.
Both Owen’s classmates and teachers laughed at the cutie when he appeared on camera. Since then, his parents have tried to get Jake out of the room during class but afterward, the friends play with each other to their hearts’ content!