Dog Takes Shy Kittens Under Her Wing and Shows Them Courage After They were Found in Backyard

Two 10-week-old kittens were found in the backyard of a house in New York City. The frightened, humble little ones were left without their mother and looking for scraps, and kind people paid attention to them in time and decided to help.
People called rescuers, who caught the babies using humane traps, and took them to a rescue center. A volunteer named Asa took the kittens to a holding facility. She had her pet dog, Kona, who noticed the kittens right away.
Kona, 7, who already had experience with small kittens, accepted the fluffy siblings with great affection. Her “striped” sister named Blair was much timider than her brother. She was very afraid of people and new surroundings.
But it was as if Kona knew what she wanted and encouraged her, licking and cuddling her, so she knew no harm would come to her. Over time, Blair really began to be less afraid and opened up more.
Kona’s love and care softened Blair’s fears and she was able to trust people. The kitty responded to the dog with mutual love – soon she herself began to nestle near her and purr loudly.
Her little redheaded brother, Chester, wouldn’t come out of the carrier at first either, but Kona helped him along as well. The dog assured the kitten that there was no reason to be afraid. With Kona’s help, both kittens quickly recovered and began to enjoy life.
In the meantime, Kona continues to carefully care for her feline “children.” When the time comes, permanent owners will be found for the babies.