Dog Finds Cozy Spot In Tree And Decides To Hop Right In

 Dog Finds Cozy Spot In Tree And Decides To Hop Right In

Arlo was adopted from the shelter three years ago when he was a puppy. His previous owners had left him, so he didn’t have a real childhood. So now Arlo makes up for it – he is active, playful, and very curious, like a little puppy.

“He was tied to a doghouse the entire first year of his life and now he is still making up for lost puppyhood time by being the most charismatic boy around,” Bryce LaDuc, Arlo’s mom, told The Dodo.

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Пес решил подурачиться, найдя дыру в дереве
Arlo loves his owners with all his heart. But beyond that, most of all he loves walks in new places – you can always find something interesting there. Arlo enjoys exploring everything around him, and adventures always find him by themselves.
Recently, during another walk, he found adventure again. The dog found a big hole in a tree and immediately decided to “try” it out and climb in there with his head.

Пес решил подурачиться, найдя дыру в дереве

Пес решил подурачиться, найдя дыру в дереве

“He marches to the beat of his own drum and is always up to some sort of funny nonsense,” LaDuc said.
Without any hesitation, he jumped right into the hole, and stayed sitting in it – and seeing that his owners were reacting with laughter, he wasn’t going to get off. Arlo’s owner managed to take some funny pictures with her funny pet.
After posing for the owner, a few minutes later Arlo jumped down from the tree and went in search of new adventures. That’s what dogs are all about – they teach us to be happy with the simplest things!

Пес решил подурачиться, найдя дыру в дереве

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