Dog Cries Real Tears After Dad Has No Choice But To Leave Him At The Shelter

The owner had to leave his dog, Blue Bear, at the shelter because he could no longer take care of him. He tearfully left the elderly pet at the Trenton Animals Rock shelter. The dog barked for a long time, as if to protest, and was sad.
But the owner left, after all, putting the dog in the good hands of volunteers. At the shelter, Blue was received with love, and he felt it immediately – looking for warmth, he came to ask for affection from one of the volunteers.
“I went over to him, and he immediately leaned his head into my waist and let me pet him,” Gletow, director of Trenton Animals Rock, told The Dodo. “It was just heartbreaking. We tried to put Blue Bear in a kennel just while we collected ourselves and tried to make some calls, and he was just super sad,” Gletow said. “So we brought him into the office, and he laid his head in my lap.”
Since Blue is elderly, the volunteers are worried about not being able to find owners for him. But at the same time, he is a kind, sweet, obedient, and charming gentleman. He is full of affection and love! Blue is currently living in a holding facility, and they are already looking for owners for him.
“We put a pillow on the floor, and he laid his head down on the pillow, and Madison and I just sat with him and snuggled him and spent some time,” Gletow said. “He’s really sweet. He’s like a gentle giant.”
“We’re going to keep him in foster care for a while to let him decompress,” Gletow said. “Once the vet has a chance to see him and we know what his needs are, we’ll start looking for a home with someone familiar with large-breed dogs, and we’ll get him on supplements and possibly acupuncture.”