Diego Is a German Dog Who Loves To Ride a Motorcycle

 Diego Is a German Dog Who Loves To Ride a Motorcycle

A German dog named Diego has been living with his beloved owner, 45-year-old Carlos Da Silva, in London for five years. The couple has a hobby – riding together on an old Russian military motorcycle, which Silva has owned for a few years. According to the owner, the doggie is already so used to riding the motorcycle that he gets a lot of pleasure out of it.

Elenice, who co-owns Bravos Motorcycles with her husband Carlos, said: “Diego is such an attention seeker – he loves it. He sits up proudly and poses when he gets in the sidecar, he knows he’s about to get a lot of attention. I think in his head he’s saying ‘yes, I’m here!’ as his ears fly about in the wind. Everyone in the area knows them.”

Диего - немецкий дог, который обожает кататься на мотоцикле

All the owner has to do is put Diego’s two-meter goggles on and it’s time to hit the road. The couple takes to the streets of London and conquers all passers-by. At any small stop, people run up and take photos with Diego, who doesn’t mind at all and always poses with pleasure.

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Диего - немецкий дог, который обожает кататься на мотоцикле
The process of getting Diego used to the stroller was easy – the smart dog quickly understood what to do, and after a couple of rides, he was already enjoying the breeze while riding.
Carlos and his wife have another German Dane puppy and they are also training him to ride a motorcycle. However, when the couple married in 1999, Carlos’ wife was strongly against dogs. Then they opened a motorcycle business, and only after 17 years of marriage finally decided to get a dog. His wife was terrified of Diego at first, then fell madly in love with him. Then they got another dog of this breed.

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Диего - немецкий дог, который обожает кататься на мотоцикле

Диего - немецкий дог, который обожает кататься на мотоцикле

Диего - немецкий дог, который обожает кататься на мотоцикле

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