Couple Heard Kittens in a Bin While Walking Down Street and Knew They Had to Help

In early July, a resident of England named Luke Heavick was taking a walk with his wife when they heard a cat squeak as they passed a garbage can. They turned and saw two small kittens inside, looking at them with fearful and begging eyes.
It was unclear if the kittens had been left there or if they had wandered into the bin looking for food, but the couple decided to help the fluffy kids. In addition, it had recently rained heavily and the babies were shivering from the cold. They took them in, warmed them up, and fed them.
“We wouldn’t normally go down that way but Lauren said we should just for a change,” Luke said in a RSPCA report shared with Love Meow. “We had stopped nearby to stroke a friendly cat and then carried on walking when we heard some little miaow cries, so I thought the cat had followed us.”
At first, they contacted the RSPCA to give the kittens away, but later they decided the kittens had other plans. In a couple of days together, Luke and his wife became so attached to these babies that they decided it was destiny. They kept the babies.
The brother and sister were named Roscoe and Lyla. The kittens settled in wonderfully and got used to their new surroundings and their owners from the very first days. They were immensely grateful to their owners for saving them from harm, and they showed it with all of their love.
“We were happy to look after them but they soon won us over,” Luke shared. “I think it was fate that we walked that way and came across the kittens and that we were destined to keep them.”
Now the brother and sister live their lives to the fullest – they are happy, loved, and never bored together. Thank you to the kind couple for saving them!
“We are proud owners of these little two. We certainly believe we found them for a reason. They will definitely live happy lives with us.”