Chonky Dog Realizes It’s Time To Go On A Diet When He Breaks The Doggy Door

Drax was picked up on the streets of Queensland, Australia, several years ago. A woman saw him lying modestly, curled up in a ball on the sidewalk. He was scrawny and ungroomed.
The woman took the dog home and introduced him to the family’s other dogs. Drax, though shy, quickly joined the company. He turned out to be very affectionate, sweet, and friendly. After some time, Charmaine moved out and took Drax with her to her new home. However, during his next visit to his sister, Drax was surprised greatly.
During the time Drax lived with his owner after the street wanderings, he gained a lot of weight without even noticing it. And so, as he ran for his little brothers at the doggie door, he suddenly realized that he had overestimated his capabilities.
Stuck in the door and breaking it, Drax didn’t realize at first what had happened himself. He didn’t understand why he was carrying the door on him. Seeing this sight, his owner laughed, but was shocked – she knew immediately that this was a wake-up call and it was time to put the boy on a diet!
Now Charmaine will seriously take on the weight of the pet because even Drax himself was shocked by the situation. Let’s hope that soon this good boy will be able to run through any doors without difficulty!