Cat With Personality of a Teddy is So Happy to Have the Perfect Place to Help Him Live Best Life

 Cat With Personality of a Teddy is So Happy to Have the Perfect Place to Help Him Live Best Life

This cat was picked up on the streets in New Jersey, USA. Kind people saw that the cat didn’t look well and decided to help him. They took the shabby poor thing off the street and brought it to the local shelter Tabby’s Place. Volunteers were immediately surprised by the cat’s charms.

“From the hour of his arrival, he was a warm-hearted little woolly bear, bursting with affection and excitement just to be alive and to be beloved,” Angela Hartley, development director of Tabby’s Place, told Love Meow.

He was given the nickname Houston. Despite the fact that the cat was about five years old and had been living on the street for a long time, he turned out to be very kind, affectionate, and sweet. Houston immediately began to ask for affection from his foster parents, to snuggle and purr. He was just happy to be safe and warm.

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Besides being just skin and bones and covered in mats, Houston came with a host of medical challenges. “He was not entirely artful. He was entirely awesome.” Houston had severe hydrocephalus (water on the brain) and was unable to fully open his eyes due to swelling. Despite it all, the sweet-natured Siamese was instantly affectionate towards people and appreciative of their assistance.

“He started making merry little ‘muffins’ with his paws even as our team gently teased out the tangles from his badly matted coat.”

After his recovery, Houston became more active, began to explore the house more, and still continued to ask for affection from his foster parents.

“Houston loves uprighting himself every time he falls. He loves high-steppin’ with exactly one of his back legs. Houston has absolutely no idea what he’s doing. He is doing it all with all his heart.”

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