Bus Driver Saw A Dog On The Roadside And Couldn’t Just Get Past It

 Bus Driver Saw A Dog On The Roadside And Couldn’t Just Get Past It

At the end of the day, a bus driver named Hicham from Saramäki, Finland saw a dog near the bus stop. It looked like it was waiting for a bus, and the man couldn’t help himself at the sight. Even though he could have driven by, he decided to stop and open the bus doors.

“He comes inside, gently, and sat near me,” Boujlal told The Dodo. “I was surprised.”

The dog seemed to be a well-behaved passenger! The driver drove a couple of stops to the parking spot, and immediately contacted the local animal shelter to get his unusual passenger some help. Fortunately, all ended well – it turned out the dog was lost and had run away from his neighborhood, and the worried owners had been looking for him for hours.

“He is a very intelligent dog and very friendly,” Boujlal said. “I’m very happy to have that chance to help him.”

Водитель автобуса увидел на обочине собаку — и не смог проехать мимо

Thanks to the bus driver, the dog was reunited with his owners, and they didn’t have to spend a sleepless night looking for their pet. Thanks to the kind man for this act!

Водитель автобуса увидел на обочине собаку — и не смог проехать мимо

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