Brave Officers Swim Through Freezing, Icy Waters To Save Trapped Dog

The incident occurred in Aragon, eastern Spain, according to Reuters. Two police officers braved the icy waters, swimming out to rescue the dog. It is such an inspiring scene to see the brave men swimming through a freezing reservoir to save a stranded dog. Putting themself in danger they got the dog from the water.
The reservoir was visibly frozen, and the stripped-to-the-waist officers swam through chunks of ice to get to the helpless animal. The area reportedly experienced a cold front with heavy snow and high winds.
In the video shown below you can see that they managed to reach the hopeless dog, seemingly unfazed by the freezing cold. After getting a hold on the dog, they lead it back to the shore. According to NewsOn6, the police officers say the dog had been in the water a “long time” before they received the report that morning. The dog is now safe thanks to the officers.