Blind Cat Leads Family to Her Kittens After Seeking Comfortable Home Her Whole Life

An elderly couple from Texas, USA, saw a blind cat near their home. When they became interested in their guest and decided to help her. They noticed her strange behavior. She always seemed to be in a hurry to get somewhere. They followed and learned that the cat had four kittens that she was taking care of.
People immediately contacted animal rescuers, and Coastal Bend Cat Rescue responded. The staff took care of the feline family and took them into a holding facility. The cat was named Clue. She was shy at first, but when she realized she and her babies were safe here, mommy calmed down.
Two of the kittens were very malnourished, showing signs of an upper respiratory infection (URI). The cat mother, named Clue, scarfed down the food before settling in her comfy, warm nest with her babies (Candyland, Monopoly and Chutes and Ladders) nursing on her belly. As Clue’s eye drainage improved, they noticed that she didn’t have normal eye tissue and was completely blind.
“Our vet thinks she has congenital microphthalmia, born with very small or absent eyes. She will need enucleation to prevent recurrent infections,” Mary shared with Love Meow.
The kittens were skinny,two were underweight at first, but over time the babies began to gain weight, and began to move and explore more actively. Mommy never left them, washing, feeding, and giving all her love. Despite the fact that Key cannot see, she feels perfectly every movement of her babies.
Now the kittens have grown. When they are grown up enough, permanent owners will be found for them and for Klyu herself. Thank you to the kind people who did not leave the family on the street!