Big Mama Dog Adopts Newborn Kitten And Carries Her Around In Her Mouth

Brittany Callan heard a tiny squeak outside her aunt’s garage and as she got closer, she saw a tiny kitten crying for help. The woman immediately decided that her mother would soon return for the kitten, and left it in a prominent place.
“We’ve had baby bunnies and guinea pigs, and she just licks them like she’s their mom,” Callan told The Dodo. “She was carrying around the baby bunnies in her mouth and hiding them in the couch like they were hers — she even tried to nurse them when she was younger.”
Hours later, the mother cat didn’t return and Brittany decided to take the kitten with her. She couldn’t just leave it to its fate. Brittany had a Doberman named Ruby who had recently become a mother. As soon as she saw the kitten, she couldn’t restrain her maternal instincts.
Sensing how much her kitten needed a mother’s care, she started caring for it as much as her puppies. According to her owner, Ruby had always loved babies.
“She just started cleaning it and nudging it out of my hand,” Callan said. “Then I just opened up the kitten’s mouth and put it on Ruby’s smallest nipple, and it started eating right away. Ruby looked at it and laid her head down.”
Mommy Ruby immediately took to raising the kitten and even fed it her milk. Although her puppies were already three times the size of the kitten, to her they were all her favorite babies.
Now Ruby no longer feeds her pups because they are older and eating solid food, but she never lets go of her little kitten! She is always by his side and even watches him sleep. That’s how big a mother’s heart can be.
“She’s just obsessed with this kitten,” Callan said. “She doesn’t want to be outside — she’ll go to every door and whine and scratch until you let her in, and then she’ll just pick up the kitten and carry it around in her mouth.”