African-American Albino Woman With an Interesting Appearance Conquers Modeling Heights

A green-eyed blond can’t be African American, you might say. Albinism is extremely rare in black people, although albinism is found in all ethnic groups. The probability of being born albino is about 1 in 17,000.
This is exactly the case with Deandra Forrest, who was born in New York, a girl with African features endowed with bright yellow hair and cream-colored skin. Unfortunately, because of her unusual appearance, she was often attacked by her peers. In order not to endure this humiliation, her parents transferred her to a private school.
Diandra began to master the art of modeling and then was noticed by representatives of the modeling agency. The sharp eyes noticed her absolute beauty and helped the girl to shine. She appeared in the fashion world as a bright flash. Critics say that Diandra’s path to success is the story of the modern Cinderella.