Adorable Cornish Rex Cat Goes Viral Thanks To Clown-Like Smile

A Cornish Rex cat named Pixel lives with his owner in the United States. This cat became a star on Instagram thanks to his unusual appearance – he has very big eyes and a cute “toothy” grin. Because of this feature, it seems that the kitty is always smiling.
Alyson said: “Pixel has always had a clownish personality, he has tons of energy and is very adamant about being involved with anything the family does, whether it’s watching TV or playing fetch. I noticed when he was about a year old that he makes some really hilarious faces sometimes, so I started documenting them in my photos online. I soon found out that he really enjoys modeling!”
Some people do not consider Pixel cute and unique – they say that he is an ugly “demon in cat form”. But the owner does not pay attention to this, because she knows that her cat is a real gentleman and a goody-goody, despite his appearance.
And really the cat has unique sweetness!
Alyson said: “Some guy claimed he was an exorcist and that Pixel was possessed by a demon, and he was controlling his body with his power. I totally ignored that message, Pixel is not possessed, he’s really just a sweet and unique-looking cat, and most people on the Internet seem to think that too.”