A kitten and an owl met in a cafe and became inseparable

 A kitten and an owl met in a cafe and became inseparable

A kitten named Marimo decides to have a very special friend: an owl named Fuku. They look so cute together, especially when they lie down for a nap. Cats and birds aren’t supposed to get along too well, but this touching couple just shatters all stereotypes!

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Sometimes we all just need a friendly shoulder, that’s why Marimo befriended the adorable owl Fuku. Other owls occasionally get into the cafe, but these two are just the stars of the place.

Почему сову называют лесной или пернатой кошкой

Сова и котята | Пикабу

Совёнок Фуку и котёнок Маримо: фото друзей неразлей-вода


Here is the story of how they first met. Fuku-chan is one of several owls that live in a cafe in Osaka, Japan. A Scottish lop-eared kitten named Marimo recently moved into the cafe. When the owl and the kitten met at the cafe, they became best friends. They are all the time together! Even during sleep!

Two small solitary little creatuers met in a cafe and became the closest to each other.

Почему сову называют лесной или пернатой кошкой




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