A Homeless Cat Bravely Fought For Life

A cat named Buddy from the United States was homeless, but the locals loved him and always fed him. Unfortunately, one day the cat ended up at the PSPCA vet clinic after an encounter with two dogs. He was sad, but the vets did everything they could to help him.
Despite his sad condition, brave Buddy fought for his life with all his might. At first the vets thought Buddy’s chances were very low, but then they saw improvement. They gave him medication, and restored him to health. The kitty stood firm through all the treatments, knowing that he would not be harmed.
The rescue center opened a fundraiser for Buddy because the cost of his treatment turned out to be high. Volunteers managed to raise about $130,000. Fortunately, the efforts of doctors and kind people were not in vain. After a long process of treatment, Buddy recovered. His fur grew back, he was cheerful, and his health was better overall. By then he was ready for a new family – but the family found him. The cat was taken in by a veterinarian named Cathy, who had cared for him during the hard times.
Buddy is now well and happy in his new family! Now he needs to finally recover mentally, as he is still afraid of everything new and of the street. His owners are helping him with everything. Also, he now has a cat brother who they have become great friends with.