A 40-Year-Old Italian Woman Married Herself When She Got Tired Of Waiting For The Right Man

Despite the fact that there are nearly 7.5 billion people in the world, finding a soul mate can be difficult. Even with all the social media platforms, dating sites, and matchmaking TV shows, sometimes it seems that some people are just meant to be alone. However, society has certain traditions: the marriage ceremony becomes a goal for many, even if they haven’t found the right person yet. Over the years, people have married objects, landmarks, and even animals. But Laura Mesi has outdone everyone – she married herself.
Laura, a 40-year-old fitness instructor, recently held her own unconventional wedding ceremony in front of friends and family.
In the Italian newspaper La Repubblica, Mesi explained her reasoning for getting married: “I told my friends and family that if I didn’t find my soulmate by my 40th birthday, I would marry myself.” And now, after 20 years of searching for a lover, Mesi has stayed true to her word.
For the ceremony, the bride wore a traditional white dress, she was surrounded by her bridesmaids, and even had a special ring. She also had a white-tiered cake topped with a lonely figure.
In total, the wedding cost £8,700 ($11,700), all from Mesi’s own pocket. She was joined by 70 people to celebrate this strange marriage. Soon Laura will be heading to Egypt for her solo honeymoon.