3 Kittens Get Back on Track and Really Transform with the Help of Nurturing Cats

Three kitten brothers were picked up on the streets in Indianapolis, Indiana. Weak, frightened, and skinny kittens were very hungry and were orphaned at an early age. But despite all the difficulties, the kittens trusted people and were full of will to live.
“They were very skinny and dirty when I got them,” Jennifer, a foster volunteer of the rescue, told Love Meow.
Kind people picked them up and brought them to the IndyHumane Rescue Center. One of the volunteers, a girl named Jennifer, immediately took the babies into her care. She restored their health and fed them from a bottle every 5-6 hours.
“Splash was the smallest of the trio. She was also the most opinionated. Spritz looked like a little gremlin. She was the most playful and loved toys. Squirt (the orange boy) was obsessed with me. He wanted to be in my lap all the time and purr his head off.”
When the kittens had recovered a little, the foster parent decided to introduce them to her house cats – Bear and Bodie. They often take care of the little ones that the owner brings to the shelter.
The adult cats immediately began caring for the babies, giving them a lot of love. They constantly licked the kittens, played with them, and did not let them out of their sight, just like real parents. The kittens were only happy to receive such attention.
“He loved being held, snuggled and smooched. He walked up to Bear and head-butted him in the face,” Jennifer shared.
Once upon a time, Bear and Bodie were also babies that Jennifer picked up on the street and now they are her favorite pets. Next to them, the kittens became much more confident and got better faster.
The adult cats also taught the kittens all the important cat stuff. When the time came to look for permanent owners for the kittens, they did not have to wait long. Each one was given to loving families where they now live happily.
“It’s so crazy how much the babies have changed (in seven weeks). They were messy little rugrats with giant bloated bellies,” Jennifer wrote. “I’m going to miss being judged by these three!”