3 Cute Cats Were Thrown Away Like Garbage, Found New Family

An American woman named Megan Beavers and her husband were walking their dog when a hungry cat ran out of nowhere. As the woman reached for food, two more cats came running out of the bushes. All three were very thin, covered with fleas and with hair falling out in some places.
But despite their shabby appearance, it was obvious that the cats had recently been pets. They begged for affection, and were not at all afraid of people. When Megan asked the neighbors, it turned out that the cats had been thrown out on the street a few months ago to their fate.
The family took care of the cats, and after a few days, they finally relaxed, became more playful, and began to get better. When they were finally on the mend, Megan decided to post their photo and story on social media. It was the kind of response she hadn’t expected.
The kittens’ story touched thousands of hearts, but one woman wrote Megan right away. She was so moved by the story that she decided to take in three cats at once. She and her husband were just looking for a pet, but decided they were ready to take three fluffy cats into their home.
So the three found a loving home. The owners flew a few states away to pick them up – but the journey was definitely worth it! Soon they and their new pets were home. The cats were settling in nicely, as if they had always been there.